LinkedIn 101: Tips to Help You Boost Your New Salesforce Career

The Salesforce career landscape has changed A LOT in the past year.  When it comes to finding work as a Salesforce developer or #AwesomeAdmin, if you have experience, it’s possible that you can find a new position if you’re looking.  But, If you DON’T have experience it’s a tough world out there.  You can get your Admin or Dev certifications, but now companies want you to have, not just general experience, but industry specific experience.

One of the ways you can stand our from others is to make sure your online presence is the best it can be. In addition to sprucing up your resume and cover-letter writing skills, if you want to really stand out from your competition, make sure your LinkedIn profile towers above most others.

1. Add Salesforce skills and certifications to your profile – of course! – but don’t forget your summary.

Remember, people who visit your profile don’t see your skills or work experience first: they see your summary, so it needs to hail your achievements and set the tone for ways your experience now, can make you a great SF admin or dev.

It’s here that you’ll include information about your skills and experience, but you also should add info on what you love about the industry, why you want to get involved with Salesforce, etc.

2. Showcase your communications skills.

Sure, anyone can throw a bunch of bullets about tech they’ve worked with, but your writing has to show HR or a hiring manager more than that. So write your profile well and have someone else read it for grammar, syntax and spelling mistakes.

We recommend these simple tricks:

  • Write in the first person.
  • Tell a story (don’t just cut and paste your resume).
  • Don’t ramble: longer isn’t better.
  • Include a “Specialities” section right in your summary (this helps you get some Salesforce keywords in).

3. Show that you can “do the job.”

This may make no sense at first: “Do the job?” you may be wondering. “But I’m looking for a job. Surely you don’t expect me to work for free??”

Of course not. What we mean instead is that you should provide concrete examples of what you did to solve a particular problem in your current job or in a past position.

For example, instead of saying you “provided tech support for customers ,” say something along the lines of:

“As a part of the team to suggest and eventually implement new (ABC) software for tickets, my team was able to decrease open ticket time by 20%.”

4. Don’t be shy: ask for recommendations.

Sure, people are busy but, if necessary, volunteer to write the recommendations yourself. (You can then send the recommendation to your connection for editing and posting.) Your profile recommendations should tell the story about your best victories, so for example (and keeping step 3, above, in mind), ask the people you worked with at your company to provide you with recommendations, making sure they speak to how your efforts made their lives better while also showcasing your technical expertise.

Now that you’re on your way to boosting your Salesforce career with the help of your LinkedIn profile, look for more info on Facebook by joining our group –

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